Our most popular painting class which is suitable for children aged 2-14. Students are expected to recognize and learn different painting techniques and art knowledge. Watercolor, Poster Color, Oil pastel, Acrylic, Color Pencil, Chinese Ink etc. are used as painting media.
Specific topic is designed for each lesson. Introduction of topic is given to students in the form of Stories, Animations and Videos at the beginning of the lesson, so they can have a preliminary idea and understanding of the topic before drawing.
There are 6 different levels.
Age 2 - 4.5yrs
2 Levels:
- Toddler (2 - 2.5yrs) ***
- Kiddies (2.5 -4.5yrs)

Age 4.5 - 7 yrs
2 Levels:
- Observer (4.5 - 6yrs)
- Discoverer (6 - 7yrs)

Age 7 yrs or above
This stage focuses more on painting technique including Composition, Proportion and various Colouring Skills. Students will also have opportunity to learn Art History and Art Appreciation.
2 Levels:
- Captain (7 - 9yrs)
- Legendary (9yrs or above)